放洋班2005年個人佳片排行  ※以出品國上映年份為準※
滿分: ★★★★

1. 天堂此時 (Paradise Now) ★★★★

2. 柯波帝: 冷血告白 (Capote) ★★★★

3. 妙媳婦見公婆 (Junebug) ★★★★

4. 灰熊人 (Grizzly Man) ★★★★

5. 絕不原諒 (The Unforgiven) ★★★★

6. 海巡尖兵 (The Pain of Others) ★★★★

7. 鍋蓋頭 (Jarhead) ★★★★

8. 王的男人 (The King and the Clown) ★★★★

9. 航向幸福的旅程 (Tickets★★★★

10. 金剛 (King Kong★★★★

11. 航向真情海 (Once You're Born You Can No Longer Hide ) ★★★★

12. 烏賊與鯨 (The Squid and the Whale) ★★★☆

13. 馬奎斯的三場葬禮 (Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada) ★★★☆

14. 非關命運 (Fateless) ★★★☆

15. 布魯克林龍蝦情 (Brooklyn Lobster) ★★★☆

16. 慕尼黑 (Munich) ★★★☆

17. 琳達琳達 (Linda Linda Linda) ★★★☆

18. 窈窕老爸 (Transamerica) ★★★☆

19. 冥王星早餐 (Breakfast on Pluto) ★★★☆

20. 七劍 (Seven Swords ★★★☆

21. 情弓 (The Bow) ★★★☆

22. 超人高校 (Sky High★★★☆

23. 馬拉松小子 (Running Boy★★★☆

24. 疑雲殺機 (The Constant Gardener★★★☆

25. 裸體舞台 (Mrs. Henderson Presents) ★★★☆

26. 婆家就是你家 (The Family Stone ★★★☆

27. 8面埋伏 (Mindhunters★★★☆

28.情癲大聖 (A Chinese Tall Story)  ★★★☆

29.11點14分 (11:14★★★

30.愛情決勝點 (Match Point) ★★★

31.安隆風暴 (Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room) ★★★

32.神秘肌膚 (Mysterious Skin) ★★★

33.機器人歷險記 (Robots) ★★★

34.牛仔褲的夏天 (Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants★★★

35.英雄教育 (Before the Fall) ★★★

36.撼動生命 (It's All Gone Pete Tong) ★★★

37.再見鍾情 (A Lot Like Love) ★★★

38.迷走星球 (Zathura★★★

39.斷背山 (Brokeback Mountain★★★

40.殺破狼 (S.P.L.) ★★★